GIS layer objects#

VectorLayer([category, name, path, conn, ...])

VectorLayer is an object used to read, manipulate and visualize GIS vector data.

RasterLayer([category, name, path, conn, ...])

A RasterLayer is an object used to read, manipulate and visualize GIS raster data.

Additional plotting utilities#

scale_bar([style, size, extent, loc, ...])

Function to create a ScaleBar object and add it to a specified or current axes.

north_arrow([ax, location, size, color, ...])

Function to plot a north arrow in a map.

add_svg(path[, ax, location, size, color, ...])

Function to add an svg image as an icon to a location on a specified axes.

ScaleBar([style, size, extent, loc, ax, ...])

Object used to create a scale bar based on an axes transform.

Additional GIS processing tools#

onstove.raster.align_raster(raster_1, raster_2, method='nearest', compression='DEFLATE')[source]#
onstove.raster.mask_raster(raster_path, mask_layer, output_file, nodata=0, compression='NONE', all_touched=False)[source]#
onstove.raster.merge_rasters(files_path, dst_crs, outpul_file)[source]#
onstove.raster.normalize(raster=None, limit=None, output_file=None, inverse=False, meta=None, buffer=False)[source]#
onstove.raster.reproject_raster(raster_path, dst_crs, cell_width=None, cell_height=None, method='nearest', compression='DEFLATE')[source]#

Resamples and/or reproject a raster layer.

onstove.raster.resample(raster_path, height, width, method='bilinear')[source]#
onstove.raster.sample_raster(path, gdf)[source]#