
OnStove.run(technologies: list[str] | str = 'all', restriction: bool = True)[source]#

Runs the model using the defined technologies as options to cook with.

It loops through the technologies and calculates all costs, benefit and the net-benefit of cooking with each technology relative to the current situation in every grid cell of the study area (the base line). Then, it calls the maximum_net_benefit() method to get the technology with highest net-benefit in each cell (and saves it in the max_benefit_tech column of the gdf). Finally, it extracts indicators such as lives saved, time saved, avoided emissions, health costs saved, opportunity cost gained, investment costs, fuel costs, and O&M costs.

technologies: str or list of str, default ‘all’

List of technologies to use for the analysis. If ‘all’ all technologies inside the techs attribute would be used. If a list of technology names is passed, then those technologies only will be used.


All technology names passed need to match the names of technologies in the techs dictionary. Note that it is not enough to only add the technology names in the techno-economic specs, they have to be added here as well. There is also no requirement to have all of the stoves in techno-economic file included in the run (some may only be relevant for the base line)

restriction: bool, default True

Whether to have the restriction of only selecting technologies producing a positive benefit compared to the baseline. This avoids selecting stoves simply due to them being cheaper.