
OnStove.plot_split(labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, cmap: dict[str, str] | None = None, x_variable: str = 'Calibrated_pop', fill: str = 'max_benefit_tech', ascending: bool = True, orientation: str = 'horizontal', font_args: dict | None = None, annotation_kwargs: dict | None = None, labs_kwargs: dict | None = None, legend_kwargs: dict | None = None, theme_name: str = 'minimal', height: float = 1.5, width: float = 2.5, save_as: str | None = None, dpi: int = 150) matplotlib.Figure[source]#

Displays a bar plot with the population or households share using the technologies with highest net-benefits over the study area.

labels: dictionary of str key-value pairs, optional

Dictionary with the keys-value pairs to use for the data categories.

Example of labels dictionary#
{'Collected Traditional Biomass': 'Biomass',
'Collected Improved Biomass': 'Biomass ICS (ND)',
'Traditional Charcoal': 'Charcoal',
'Biomass Forced Draft': 'Biomass ICS (FD)',
'Pellets Forced Draft': 'Pellets ICS (FD)'}
cmap: dictionary of str key-value pairs, optional

Dictionary with the colors to use for each technology.

Example of cmap dictionary#
{'Biomass ICS (ND)': '#6F4070',
'LPG': '#66C5CC',
'Biomass': '#FFB6C1',
'Biomass ICS (FD)': '#af04b3',
'Pellets ICS (FD)': '#ef02f5',
'Charcoal': '#364135',
'Charcoal ICS': '#d4bdc5',
'Biogas': '#73AF48'}
x_variable: str, default ‘Calibrated_pop’

The variable to use in the x axis. Two options are available Calibrated_pop and Households.

fill: str, default ‘max_benefit_tech’

Categorical variable used to color and group the bars.

ascending: boolean, default `True`

If True it will order the bars in ascending order from left to right.

orientation: str, default ‘horizontal’

It defines the orientation of the bar plot, takes as options ‘horizontal’ or ‘vertical’.

font_args: dict, optional

Dictionary with arguments for the general text of the plot such as text size. It defaults to font_args=dict(size=10).

annotation_kwargs: dict, optional

Dictionary with arguments for the annotations text of the plot such as text size, color, vertical and horizontal alignment. It defaults to annotation_kwargs=dict(color='black', size=10, va='center', ha='left').

labs_kwargs: dict, optional

Dictionary with arguments for the x, y and fill labels. It defaults to labs_kwargs=dict(x='Stove share', y='Population (Millions)', fill='Cooking technology').

legend_kwargs: dict, optional

Dictionary with arguments for the legend such as the legend position. It defaults to legend_kwargs=dict(legend_position='none').

theme_name: str, default ‘minimal’

Theme to use for the plot. Available options are ‘minimal’ and ‘classic’ from the plotnine:generated/plotnine.themes package.

height: float, default 1.5

The heihg of the figure in inches.

width: float, default 2.5

The width of the figure in inches.

save_as: str, optional

If a string is passed, then the plot will be saved with that name and extension file in the:attr:output_directory as name.pdf, name.png, name.svg, etc.

dpi: int, default 150

The resolution of the figure in dots per inch.


Figure object used to plot the technology split.