
Electricity.mort_morb(model: onstove.OnStove, parameter: str = 'mort', dr: str = 'discount_rate') tuple[float, float]#

Calculates mortality or morbidity rate per fuel.

These two calculations are very similar in nature and are therefore combined in one function. In order to indicate if morbidity or mortality should be calculated, the parameter parameter can be changed (to either Morb or Mort).

model: OnStove model

Instance of the OnStove model containing the main data of the study case. See onstove.OnStove.

parameter: str, default ‘Mort’

Parameter to calculate. For mortality enter ‘Mort’ and for morbidity enter ‘Morb’

dr: str, default ‘Discount_rate’

Discount rate used in the analysis read from the socio-economic file

Monetary value of mortality or morbidity for each stove in every cell of the analysis