
OnStove.plot_costs_benefits(variable: str = 'max_benefit_tech', labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, cmap: dict[str, str] | None = None, font_args: dict | None = None, legend_args: dict | None = None, height: float = 1.5, width: float = 2.5, save_as: str | None = None, dpi: int = 150) matplotlib.Figure[source]#

Displays a stacked bar plot with the aggregated total costs and benefits for the technologies with the highest net-benefits over the study area.

variable: str, default ‘max_benefit_tech’

Categorical variable to use to calculate the costs and benefits for (one stacked bar for each technology).

labels: dictionary of str key-value pairs, optional

Dictionary with the keys-value pairs to use for the technology categories.

Example of labels dictionary#
{'Collected Traditional Biomass': 'Biomass',
'Collected Improved Biomass': 'Biomass ICS (ND)',
'Traditional Charcoal': 'Charcoal',
'Biomass Forced Draft': 'Biomass ICS (FD)',
'Pellets Forced Draft': 'Pellets ICS (FD)'}
cmap: dictionary of str key-value pairs, optional

Dictionary with the colors to use for each cost/benefit category.

Example of cmap dictionary#
>>> cmap = {'Health costs avoided': '#542788',
...         'Investment costs': '#b35806',
...         'Fuel costs': '#f1a340',
...         'Emission costs avoided': '#998ec3',
...         'Om costs': '#fee0b6',
...         'Opportunity cost gained': '#d8daeb'}
font_args: dictionary, optional

A dictionary with font arguments. Default to font_args=dict(size=10, color='black').

legend_args: dictionary, optional

A dictionary with legend arguments. Default to legend_args=dict(legend_direction='vertical', ncol=1), but you can give options as legend_args=dict(legend_position=(0.5, -0.6), legend_direction='horizontal', ncol=2).

height: float, default 1.5

The heihg of the figure in inches.

width: float, default 2.5

The width of the figure in inches.

save_as: str, optional

If a string is passed, then the plot will be saved with that name and extension file in the:attr:output_directory as name.pdf, name.png, name.svg, etc.

dpi: int, default 150

The resolution of the figure in dots per inch.


Figure object used to plot the cost and benefits.