
RasterLayer.travel_time(rows: ndarray, cols: ndarray, include_starting_cells: bool = False, output_path: str | None = None, create_raster: bool | None = True) RasterLayer[source]#

Calculates a travel time map using the raster data as cost surface and specific cells as starting points.

This method uses the data of the current RasterLayer as a cost surface, to calculate the distance-weighted minimum cost map from specific cells (rows and cols) to every other cell in the cost surface. It makes use of the skimage.graph.mcp.MCP_Geometric class.

rows: np.ndarray

Row indexes of the cells to consider as starting points.

cols: np.ndarray

Column indexes of the cells to consider as starting points.

include_starting_cells: boolean, default `False`

Indicates whether to include the cost of the starting cells in the least cost path calculation.

output_path: str, optional

A folder path where to save the output dataset. If not defined then the travel time dataset is not saved to disk.

create_raster: bool, default True

Boolean condition. If True, a RasterLayer will be created and stored in the distance_raster attribute of the class. If False, a RasterLayer with the travel time calculation is returned.


RasterLayer with the least-cost travel time data.